Download Wla Rights List 2024:
General Fiction, Fiction, Literary fiction, Narrative Non-Fiction
Women's Fiction, Commercial Fiction
Children's and Young Readers' Rights List
Walkabout Literary Agency was established in 2014 and since then has been successfully operating in the fields of book publishing and translation rights sales, Film/Tv licensing. We are proud to represent various leading Italian and foreign writers as well as some new and talented voices. WLA represents authors from all around the world in the fields of literary and commercial fiction, children's fiction, and general non-fiction. We represent also foreign publishers in the sale of translation rights. Wla it's based in Rome, Italy.
Fiammetta Biancatelli is Owner and Managing Director. She has been a Spanish translator and co-founder of nottetempo edizioni, which has worked as an editor in Italian and translated fiction. She worked also as a press officer in chief and events planner for Publishers and Book Festivals before creating and starting to manage Walkabout Literary Agency.
Ombretta Borgia is Owner and Rights and Contract Manager, she has been a Portuguese translator and she worked for 12 years as a Foreign Rights Manager for Editori Riuniti, before creating the agency.
WLA is one of the founders of Adali - Association of Italian Literary agents, established in April 2020.
The association includes 37 among agents and agencies and aims at promoting and supporting the job of literary agents in Italy and representing the interests of the associates.
For all enquires:
Latest Sales
La farsa by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Caleidoscopio (Spagna)
Feel blu, dress in red by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Listbooks (Bulgaria)
Cosa resta della notte by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Kannon Verlag (Germania)
Cosa resta della notte by Ersi Sotiro - Botimet Onufri (Albania)
Zig Zag through the bitter orange trees by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Botimet Pema (Albania)
Zig Zag through the bitter orange trees by Ersi Sotiropoulos - La tortuga bulgara (Spagna)
Animali bellissimi by Silvia Pareschi - Gorodets, Laska Press (Russia)
Strano by Silvia Pareschi - Gorodets, Laska Press (Russia)
La traccia by Tassi - OKBooks (Russia)
The art of feeling nothing by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Jensen & Dalgaard (Denmark)
Il carnefice by Antonio Iovane - Editorial Platena (Argentina)
The Love Map by Camy Blue - Atticus (Russia)
Le stelle non fanno rumore by Camy Blue - Ast (Russia)
Afrodite. La verità della Dea by Mariangela Vaglio - Editura Creator (Romania)
La fabbrica delle tuse. Le ragazze del cioccolato by Giacinta Cavagna di Gualdana - Harper Collins France
Cosa resta della notte by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Helia (Slovacchia)
La fabbrica delle tuse. Le ragazze del cioccolato by Giacinta Cavagna di Gualdana - Hoffman und Campe Verlag(Germany)
Paura della scienza by Enrico Pedemonte - Al Rewaq (Arabic world)
Perché la forchetta non sa di niente? by Devis Bellucci - Al Rewaq (Arabic world)
L'estate in cui fiorirono le fragole by Anna Bonacina - La belle Etoile – Hachette (France)
La vita dell'altro. Svevo, Joyce: un'amicizia geniale by Enrico Terrinoni - Kritiki Publishing (Grecia)
L'estate in cui fiorirono le fragole by Anna Bonacina - Publishing house «Eksmo» (Russia)
Perché la forchetta non sa di niente? by Devis Bellucci - Timas Publishing (Turkey)
L'estate in cui fiorirono le fragole by Anna Bonacina - Vulkan Izdavaštvo (Serbia)
Il pozzo delle bambole by Simona Baldelli - Eichborn, Bastei Luebbe (Germany)
Animali bellissimi by Silvia Pareschi - Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH (Germany)
Mia Sorella by Fosca Salmaso - Imprimatur (Serbia)
Paura della scienza by Enrico Pedemonte - Editura Cetatea de Scaun (Romania)
Perché la forchetta non sa di niente by Devis Bellucci - Editura Bookzone (Romania)
L'estate che resta by Giulia Baldelli - Editora Melhoramentos (Brazil)
Materiali per la vita by Devis Bellucci - Discourse (Russia)
L'estate che resta by Giulia Baldelli - Dumont Buchverlag (Germany)
L'estate che resta by Giulia Baldelli - Editorial Dos Bigotes (Spain)
La partita. Il romanzo di Italia-Brasile by Piero Trellini - Pitch Publishing (English world)
Un nome che non è il mio by Nicola Brunialti - Beijing Creative Art 创美时代 (China)
Teodora. I demoni del potere by Galatea Vaglio - Editura Creator (Romania)
Fiordicotone by Paolo Casadio - Editura Rao (Romania)
E fonderai la città più grande del mondo by Giovanni Nucci - Ediciones Siruela (Spanish world)
Fiordicotone by Paolo Casadio - Editorial Edhasa (World Spanish)
La neve finché cade by Simona Baldelli - Peta Kitap (Turkey)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Ilksatir Publishing (Turkey)
Benedetto sia il padre by Rosa Ventrella - Editorial Edhasa (World Spanish)
Benedetto sia il padre by Rosa Ventrella - Les Escales (France)
Benedetto sia il padre by Rosa Ventrella - Polaris (Sweden)
L'Orchestra rubata di Hitler by Silvia Montemurro - Publishing Solutions (Romania)
La biblioteca segreta di Leonardo by Francesco Fioretti - Publishing Solutions (Romania)
Raffaello. La verità perduta by Francesco Fioretti - Publishing Solutions (Romania)
La notte non perdona by Daniela Grandi - Forlaget Mellemgaard (Denmark)
Notte al Casablanca by Daniela Grandi - Forlaget Mellemgaard (Denmark)
Anatomia di un cuore selvaggio by Asia Argento - Hors-Collection - Lisez! (France)
Anatomia di un cuore selvaggio by Asia Argento - AppleHead (Spain)
Bud, Un gigante per papà by Cristiana Pedersoli - AppleHead (Spain)
What's left of the night by Ersi Sotiropoulos - New Vessel Press (English world)
Il Bambino del treno by Paolo Casadio (Piemme) - Editura Rao (Romania)
Il fuorilegge. La lunga battaglia di un uomo solo by Domenico Lucano - Rüffer & Rub (Germany)
Gli effetti invisibili del nuoto by Alessandro Capponi - Éditions Ex Æquo (France)
Il fuorilegge. La lunga battaglia di un uomo solo by Domenico Lucano - Buchet Chastel (France)
Achille. Il midollo del leone by Giovanni Nucci - Ediciones Siruela (Spanish world)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - El Masr El Arabia (Arabic World rights)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Koncept izdavaštvo (Croatia)
Zigzag through the bitter oragne trees by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Clockroot (English word)
Quando la montagna era nostra by Fioly Bocca - El Masr El Arabia (Arabic World rights)
La partita. Il romanzo di Italia-Brasile by Piero Trellini - Debate/Penguin Random House SP (Spanish World)
La partita. Il romanzo di Italia-Brasile by Piero Trellini - Grande Area Livros (Brasil)
Alfonsina e la strada by Simona Baldelli - Eichborn, Bastei Lübbe (Germania)
La selva oscura by Francesco Fioretti - Schenk Verlag GmbH (Germania)
What's left of the night by Ersi Sotiropoulos - New Vessel Press (English world)
A Dublino con James Joyce by Fabrizio Pasanisi - Ketebe (Turkey)
Raffaello, la verità perduta by Francesco Fioretti - Colibrì (Bulgaria)
Viva la vida! by Pino Cacucci - Page Seven (Arabic World)
In ogni caso nessun rimorso by Pino Cacucci - Fondo de Cultura Economica (Spanish world)
Zig Zag through the bitter orange trees by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Patakis (Grecia)
Storie per ragazze e ragazzi che vogliono salvare il mondo by C. Benedetto e L. Ciliento - Wydawnictwo bis (Polonia)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Beijing Creative Art 创美时代 (China)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Argo (Czech Republic)
Storie per ragazze e ragazzi che vogliono salvare il mondo by C. Benedetto e L. Ciliento - Litera (Romania)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Dom Quixote (Portugal)
Cosa resta della notte by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Edition Romiosini (Germany)
Tina by Pino Cacucci - Grijalbo Penguin Random House (Spanish World)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Xander Uitgevers (Netherlands)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Edhasa editorial (World Spanish)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Colibri (Bulgaria)
Storie per ragazze e ragazzi che vogliono salvare il mondo by C. Benedetto e L. Ciliento - Rowohlt (Germany)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Pirat Forlaget (Sweden)
Mio papà Bud by Cristiana Pedersoli - Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag (Germany)
Mio papà Bud by Cristiana Pedersoli - Libri Kiadò (Hungaria)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella - Les Escales (French world)
Storie per ragazze e ragazzi che vogliono salvare il mondo by C. Benedetto e L. Ciliento - Seven Stories Press (World English)
Cosa resta della notte by Ersi Sotiropoulos - Al Kotob Khan for Publishing (Arabic world)
Storie per ragazze e ragazzi che vogliono salvare il mondo by C. Benedetto e L. Ciliento - Penguin Random House (World Spanish)
Demasiado Corazòn by Pino Cacucci - Grijalbo Penguin Random House (Spanish World)
La biblioteca segreta di Leonardo by Francesco Fioretti - Edhasa editorial (Spanish World)
Film rights
L'estate in cui fiorirono le fragole di Anna Bonacina (option to Film/Tv series adptation)
La migliore bugia di Francesco Caringella (option to Film/Tv series adptation)
La vita dell'altro. Svevo, Joyce: un'amicizia geniale di Enrico Terrinoni (option to Film/Tv series adaptation sold)
Il dipendente di Sebastiano Nata (option to film/Tv series adaptation sold)
L'estate di Garlasco di Francesco Caringella (option to film/Tv series adaptation sold)
Il caso Mortara di Daniele Scalise - Kavac Film - (Selected by Cannes Festival/Release from 25th May 2023)
Un amore partigiano by Iole Mancini con Concetto Vecchio (option to film adaptation sold)
La Partita. Il romanzo di Italia-Brasile by Piero Trellini - Eliseo Entertainment (on-air on Sky platform from July 2023)
La malalegna by Rosa Ventrella (option to film/tv series adaptation sold)
Oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio by Francesco Caringella (option to film adaptation sold)
Our co-agents:
Germany: Literarische Agentur Gaeb & Eggers
GmbHKorea: Duran Kim Agency
Russia and Balcanic countries: Synopsis Literary Agency
Poland: Graal literary agency
Romania: Kessler agency
Hungary: BALLA-SZTOJKOV Literary Agency, Budapest
Turkey: Kalem Agency, Istanbul
Greece: Iris Literary Agency, Athens
China and Shangai: Niu Niu Culture, Beijing
Far and Middle East Countries: FALA - Tell The World!